RTW Monson

Somerhill Sessions update - w/c 24th Oct 2016

21st October 2016

Further to the notice in the last newsletter about the unavoidable closure of the pool at Somerhill during the week commencing 24 Oct, we are pleased to advise the following sessions will be running as replacements:

Bronze: Extended session on Monday 24th October, 7.00-8.20pm at Tunbridge Wells

Silver: Extended session on Monday 24th October, 7.00-9.00pm at Tunbridge Wells

Gold & Platinum: Monday 31st October 6.30-8.15pm at Somerhill and Monday 7th November 6.30-8.15pm at Somerhill

Competitive Club Squad: Wednesday 26th October 7.30-9.00 at Tonbridge School Centre. Please also note that as the Somerhill pool is scheduled to reopen in the afternoon of Friday 28 October, Competitive Club Squad's Friday session will run as planned.

And a reminder of the following changes (advised in the last newsletter):

Friday 21st October
No training at St. John's Tunbridge Wells for Gold/Platinum and Age Group/Elite due to most swimmers taking part in the 800m Freestyle Club Championships event at Tonbridge School Centre.

Friday 28th October
No training for Age group/ Elite due to the 1500m Freestyle Club Championships event at Tonbridge School Centre however Gold/Platinum training 1900 - 2000 will run as normal.

Friday 11th November - Somerhill lessons to be held at St.Johns Tunbridge Wells as follows:
7pm - Stage 5/6 and Stage 6/7
7.30pm - Stage 8
8pm - Rookies extra

Sun 13th November - Change of session times at Somerhill:
Silver - Start 5.30pm Finish 7pm
Gold/Platinum - Start 7pm Finish 8.30pm
Age Group and above at Tonbridge School Centre will change 6.30pm - 8pm due to a school event.

Sat 26th November
No training at Somerhill

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Kent County ASA Swim England South East Wave Power Swim England Swim Mark Essential Club

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